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National Science Foundation Award


3rd Place Winner of NSF's Innovation in Graduate Education Challenge (06/2013)

Proposed a new course in STEM graduate education to train students how to communicate their research to non-expert audiences and provide them opportunities to communicate on local, regional, and national scales.


Award & proposal
Press release

Science Outreach Facilitator


Washington University in St. Louis (2011-2013)

Scheduled and facilitated neuroscience outreach opportunities at local schools and on campus for graduate students, and reported on these activities to the CCSN Executive Board several times a year.


Link to CCSN IGERT profile


Organized and participated each year in two major events (NeuroDay and SciFest/Health Fest) at the Saint Louis Science Center.


Links to articles on science outreach:



Saint Louis Science Center 

(Fall 2011, 2012, 2013)

In 2011, created a neuroscience demo related to my own research on memory to present at this event (approximately 350 visitors attended).


In 2012 and 2013, served as Outreach Facilitator and coordinated approximately 30 volunteers for the event (approximately 500 visitors attended), which featured graduate students presenting neuroscience demos.

Science Fair Mentor


Flynn Park Elementary in St. Louis, MO

(February 2012 & 2013)

Helped 5th graders define their science fair projects (i.e., state the research question, hypothesis, variables, supplies, and procedure).

Brainology Program Facilitator


Brittany Woods Middle School in New Haven, CT (Fall 2012)

Helped facilitate a 6-week intervention program at a local middle school to change students’ mindsets about learning. The program featured lessons on what we know about learning from neuroscience as well as research on motivation.

USA Science and Engineering Festival 


Washington, D.C. (04/2012)

Selected to represent Washington University at this national science expo. Presented neuroscience demos to the public over the course of this two-day event open to the public (approximately 150,000
visitors attended).


Event link

Science Fair Coordinator


New Haven Science Fair Program


Responsible for recruiting science fair judges from the community, and coordinating judges and other logistics for the event. Member of the Science Fair Steering Committee, helping to shape science fair program goals.


NHSF website

Family Science Night Coordinator


New Haven Science Fair Program


Responsible for scheduling and facilitating family-oriented science nights targeted at 3rd-6th graders. Events include science demonstrations and other hands-on activities.



Saint Louis Science Center (Spring 2012 & 2013)

Coordinated a group of approximately 50 volunteers for the events (approximately 1,200 visitors attended each), which featured students and faculty presenting neuroscience demos, along with exhibitors from local mental health and other brain-related organizations staffing booths.

"Science in Everyday Life" Event


Proposal for Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) at Washington University in St. Louis



Proposed a public event to communicate about the nature of science and a controversial topic in science, such as climate change.


Event profile

Science Journalism


"Imagining the future keeps people from acting impulsively"

News story for Scientific American

Interview with science writer Cynthia Graber 

Q&A for The Open Notebook about the reporting process for Graber's profile on a biologist who studies regenerative medicine and bioelectricity

"Waiting can be more pleasurable if you focus on good things ahead"

News story for Washington University in St. Louis' The Source


"How older adults perceive life events can hurt their ability to remember"

News story for Washington University in St. Louis' The Source 

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