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Evaluation of K-12 Teacher Training Programs


Working with a joint materials science department at Southern CT State University and Yale University (CRISP), with support from NSF, evaluate the impact of K-12 teacher professional development programs.

Impact of Undergraduate STEM Programs


Through an HHMI-sponsored grant, evaluate and provide formative feedback to various classroom and support programs for STEM undergraduates at Yale University.

Evaluation of University Faculty Training Programs


At Yale University's Center for Teaching and Learning, with support from NSF and HHMI, evaluate the impact of training university faculty in scientific teaching practices (i.e., active learning, effective assessment, and inclusivity). 


Predicting Academic Success with 

Institutional Data


At New College of Florida, used student survey data (along with admissions data) to predict academic success.

Current & Past Research Projects

Impact of K-12 & Public Events


Working with the New Haven Science Fair Program and CRISP (see above), evaluate the impact of outreach events for K-12 students, their families, and the public.

Effects of Memory & Hearing Loss


At Washington University in St. Louis, examined the effects of declining memory and hearing loss for older adults.

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